Targeting Your Mission
Global Surface and Air Mission Support to Governmental and Commercial Operations
Bluestone USA has a strong track record and global experience in Aviation Services, Mission Support, Security Consultancy, and Supply Chain & Logistics Programs. Bluestone USA has extensive experience particularly in Africa, Central Asia and South America.
These life-cycle security services include the provision of Surface and Air Logistics, Specialist Training & Assessments, Security & Awareness, Aviation Support and Material Acquisition, including the development of Corporate policies and procedures to protect company assets and personnel.

Surface and Air Logistics
Extensive experience in Mission Systems and Contracted Logistics Support.

Security Services including Special Weapons Training & Assessments and Security & Awareness.

Aviation Support
Providing foreign systems to support customer requirements for test, training and flight operations.

Material Acquisition
From Comms Systems to Rotary Wing Blades, we have an excellent resource network for essential material.